Kenton School students and staff celebrate GCSE results

Students at Kenton School are celebrating their success in their GCSE examinations; with top end 9 to 7 grades increasing and the majority of students achieving passes in both Maths and English. As well as individual successes, the board of trustees is delighted with the outcomes of several departments.

Kenton School has seen, not only, a strong improvement in a range of subjects but there are also some outstanding individual successes including:

  • Chloe Harvey – 7 Grade 9s, 1 Grade 8s, 1 Grade 7;
  • Kiryl Drabysheuski – 8 Grade 9s, 2 Grade 8s;
  • Ashvin Kalaichelvam – 5 Grade 9s, 3 Grade 8s, 1 Grade 7;
  • Owen Shirley – 5 Grade 9s, 3 Grade 8s, 1Grade 7;
  • Mohsin Abyan – 4 Grade 9s, 4 Grade 8s, 1 Grade 6

Sinead Green, Kenton School’s Principal, congratulated the students, staff and teachers on the results and thanked them for their dedication and commitment, saying:

“We are really pleased with these results, which reflect how hard our students and teachers have worked during the last year. It is fantastic that so many students have secured Grades 9-7 in a range of subjects, mirroring the school’s continued improvement. Some of our students have overcome difficult obstacles to achieve their success, with some travelling from overseas on their journey to Kenton, so their achievements are particularly outstanding given that one in three students in Year 11 has English as an Additional Language. This cohort of students have achieved extremely highly.

“Our students are resilient and ambitious, and we are pleased that so many are now embarking on the next steps in their education, studying for apprenticeships or other qualifications, while the majority will remain at Kenton School to study for their A-levels. We wish them all the very best of luck for the future!”

Lee Kirtley, CEO of Northern Leaders Trust, said: “These results reflect the many positive changes that continue to take place throughout the academy. All students are given the best possible support and advice and encouraged to follow their passion, whatever that might be. These results mark a positive start in our journey towards becoming a good and improving school.”

22 August 2024

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