Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium

Accelerating pupils' progress so that they achieve in line with their peers.

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium

The government introduced the Year 7 Catch-Up Premium to support those pupils who did not meet nationally expected levels in Reading and/or Mathematics at KS2. The premium was originally £500 for each Year 7 pupil identified and the amount received by schools has been fixed in recent years. The money is used to support the transition of these pupils into Key Stage 3, with the aim of accelerating their progress so that they achieve at least in line with peers.

Strategies to achieve this include:

  • additional individual tuition or intensive support in small groups
  • external services, resources and materials
  • summer schools

These pupils are given valuable support to bring them up to speed making them more likely to succeed at secondary school. Funding is not devoted only to support literacy and numeracy in the core subjects of English, maths and science but also in subjects across the curriculum.

At Kenton School we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition from primary to secondary school. We work closely with our partners to ensure that pupils joining us are ‘secondary-ready’ both academically and socially. Our two week transition programme demonstrates our commitment to successful transition.

The school has a detailed Action Plan which is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team and the Governing Body on a termly basis.

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