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Enrichment and PE

We'd love to welcome you to our school.


Our Enrichment Programme has been extended this year and now includes a range of activities such as sports, cadets, drama, music, science and chess.

The offer has been reviewed and tailored by our Student Leadership Team who discussed the offer as a group and requested further activities to also be included.

Please encourage your child to consider attending some of our enrichment activities. Our current programme can be found here. You can also see the Enrichment Programme in Arabic here.

Kenton Combined Cadet Force

Kenton Combined Cadet Force continues to grow from strength to strength with Year 7-10 parading. Our cadets have accessed their first weekend camp and have successfully completed emergency first aid training, part of their basic cadre which they passed with flying colours, all demonstrating leadership, organisation and communication skills, resilience and respect. If your child is interested in joining the CCF, please ask them to speak with Miss Gibson or Mr Lilley direct or they can reply to the CCF emails to join the waiting list.

Physical Education

‘Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.’
– Nelson Mandela, 2000

The PE curriculum has been planned with the departmental vision in mind; ‘Participation, Enjoyment, Engagement, Competition’. Find out more here.

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