Every single day counts


Good attendance and punctuality are vital for success at school.

We work with parents/carers to promote good attendance, working in partnership to ensure learning opportunities are maximised.

We all want the best for our children, to nurture and care for them. Having an excellent attendance record at school contributes greatly to this goal. Working together, we can give pupils every chance of reaching their academic and social potential. However, the more days a child is absent from school the greater the risk of underachievement and social isolation. Each pupil should aim to have 100% attendance and a minimum of 97%.

Where there are exceptional circumstances, for example, long term illness supported by medical evidence, school will set a bespoke target for your child and will work with the pupil and parents to maximise attendance whilst appreciating any unique challenges and rewarding success. In this brochure are some useful links to key information related to school attendance including how you can assist your child and what you should do if there are problems with attendance.

Please take a look at our Attendance Guide here.

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