Jane Taylor


Firstly, a very happy Easter and I hope you enjoy your time together as a family as the days become warmer and brighter. I want to thank you all for the support you have given the school over this term. It has been a busy term and I will outline some of the highlights below....
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Year 11 students from Kenton School and Studio West attended a Super Learning Day at St James’ Park in Newcastle. Starting with a motivational talk by guest speaker Cameron Parker from Dreams2Reality, the students took part in English, maths and science exam revision sessions, finishing with a tour around the stadium. A great example of both schools...
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Northern Leaders Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Sinead Green to the post of principal at Kenton School. Mrs Green began working for the Trust in September 2022 as associate principal, working across both Kenton School and Studio West. Mrs Green said: “I’m delighted to take up the position of principal at...
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We are delighted to have secured a partnership with Place2Be. Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 25 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools. They provide mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling using tried and tested methods backed by research. More information will follow...
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An exciting announcement from Lee Kirtley, CEO, Northern Leaders Trust: “I am delighted to announce the launch of the Northern Leaders Trust Community Champions. This will be an annual event where we celebrate all students who have contributed to their community in some way, for example, through volunteer work or acts of kindness.” You can...
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Since September 2020, as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic, the school moved to a ‘School Within a School’ model, where pupils were taught in their own year group areas and movement around the school was massively restricted. This meant that when pupils left one class they were often taught in a class next...
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I wanted to write and thank you for the continued support in ensuring Kenton School and the wider community are working together to reduce the impact of Covid on learning. With your support we were able to complete mass testing on the students last week, no mean feat when we have more than 1850 students....
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