Supporting students' careers progression

Careers Education, Information and Guidance

Preparing our young people for the future.

Careers Education, Information and Guidance


Kenton School Careers Guidance Policy

Kenton School Provider Access Policy Statement

Student Careers Learning Journey

It is the aim of the Kenton School to fully meet the eight Gatsby benchmarks for Good Career Guidance:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance
Student Entitlement Statement

Teachers in the academies and qualified career professionals will support students’ career development in a number of ways including:

  • Access to broad and balanced curriculum provision
  • The opportunity to learn the different STEM subjects to help them gain entry to, and be more effective workers within, a wide range of careers (by the age of 14)
  • At least one experience of a workplace, additional to any part time jobs they may have (by the age of 16)
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through Options events, Futures Fairs, assemblies and group discussions and taster events
  • Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses available. At points across the school year, a variety of employers and external providers are invited into Kenton School to talk about different careers (Please see our Provider Access Policy)
  • Information and discussion in lessons, drop-down days and assemblies to help students make informed decisions about their future
  • Access to careers advisers in a variety of ways including individual meetings, drop-in sessions, workshops, career fairs, enrichment activities and on results days
  • Careers information and I.T based careers programmes
  • Information and updates on notice boards, plasma screens and the school website
  • Identifying the needs of all students to target students who require early or additional support in their transition.
Labour Market Information

It’s important that our students are aware of Labour Market Information, which can help them in making decisions about their future. This information is presented to students through our comprehensive PSHE programme, but we also encourage all students and their parents/carers to explore the information available online.

Apprenticeships, University, Careers

Sixth Form, University, College, Apprenticeships – as a fully comprehensive school we are aware that our students take many different paths when their time comes to move on, be that after Year 11 or Year 13. As a result we have listed some useful websites for students and parents to use when exploring their options:

North East Local Enterprise Partnership

By working with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP), Kenton School are working with a range of organisations in the area to further improve the provision and careers education we offer in school for our students and their parents/carers.

Experiences of workplaces

Experience of workplaces is an important part of the careers provision offered to students at Kenton School. All students in Year 10 are given the opportunity to visit a workplace during their Careers Week in March.  All students will be given further information on this in advance.

Supporting the Careers Programme

Could you support a workplace visit? Or would you like to run a workshop or deliver a talk linked to your area of employment? Whether you are a parent/carer of one of our current or past students, school alumni or a local business, we’d love to hear from you if you would be willing to support students.

Encounters with employers are such an important part of career development and we try to include as many as possible – but this is not without its challenges. There is no need to commit to anything, but if you would like to express an interest in offering any of the above to our students please contact [email protected] detailing your name, your organisation, the activity you would like to offer/be involved in and which year group the activity may be best suited for.

Equality and Diversity

The careers education and guidance delivery satisfy the requirements of the School’s Equal Opportunities Policy. All students, regardless of their race, class, gender, faith or special educational needs, have the same access to our resources, wherever possible.

If you would like to offer feedback or any further comments on our Careers Programme please email Mrs Marsh.

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