


I wanted to write and thank you for the continued support in ensuring Kenton School and the wider community are working together to reduce the impact of Covid on learning. With your support we were able to complete mass testing on the students last week, no mean feat when we have more than 1850 students....
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Since September 2020, as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic, the school moved to a ‘School Within a School’ model, where pupils were taught in their own year group areas and movement around the school was massively restricted. This meant that when pupils left one class they were often taught in a class next...
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Firstly, a very happy Easter and I hope you enjoy your time together as a family as the days become warmer and brighter. I want to thank you all for the support you have given the school over this term. It has been a busy term and I will outline some of the highlights below....
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Hello and welcome to a new and exciting academic year at Kenton School! We are thrilled to be the only school in the city who can celebrate improved exam results in English and Maths and look forward to continuing our improvements this year. This half term has been action packed already with students enjoying shows,...
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ELECTION OF PARENT GOVERNOR I am writing to ask you whether you are willing and able to support the school by becoming a Parent Governor. This is an important and interesting role which helps Kenton to improve and develop, so I hope you will give it serious thought. On this occasion we are specifically looking...
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I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I was privileged to be appointed Chair of Kenton School Governors in September 2023, having been a Parent Governor since December 2018. I have been involved in local school governance for almost 15 years. My background is in nursing, and I now work at a...
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As the Christmas break approaches, I would like to thank you for the support you have given to Kenton School. We look forward to building on the fantastic improvements the school has made this academic year, when we return in January. I attach some information for your reference. Read the full letter.
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