
GCSE Maths + English: Exam resits

CourseMaths and English
Why resit English and Maths?

It is a government requirement for anyone who achieves a grade 3 or below in English or Maths in Year 11 to resit the qualification until a grade 4 or above is achieved. We offer a November and June resit opportunity.

In order to give you the best opportunity to pass we have timetabled lessons for 9 hours per fortnight as part of the curriculum time. Study in Sixth Form allows teachers to focus more keenly on areas needing development.

Should you achieve a grade 4 or above, you will not be expected to attend resit lessons. This would also allow you to take up some Level 3 courses once you have achieved this milestone.

Course Details
  • English Language AQA
  • Maths AQA

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