Personal Development

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education

All students study PSHE as part of their curriculum.  As with all other curriculum areas, students have a PSHE learning journey

The key themes of our PSHE curriculum are:

  • staying safe online and offline
  • relationships and sex education
  • life beyond school
  • health and wellbeing
  • rights, responsibilities and values
  • diversity and equality

The link between these themes and our “safe, engaged, kind” mantra is clear. 

A spiralling scheme of learning ensures that these topics are revisited over time with increasing complexity to ensure age-appropriateness of the knowledge being built from year 7 to year 13.  Whilst a carefully planned scheme of learning is in place, our delivery remains adaptive to local needs e.g. contextualised safeguarding risks identified in safeguarding meetings, or community issues reported to us by police links.

Students are signposted to where they can get pastoral support or further guidance alongside lesson content.

Key themes and knowledge such as protected characteristics and British Values are repeatedly revisited through connect activities. 

Students who do not take GCSE Religious Studies as a GCSE cover Religious Education as part of their PSHE programme. Knowledge from Key Stage 3 is regularly revisited and themes are considered from religious points of view so that students can continue to build their understanding and tolerance of people with different faiths. 

As with all curriculum areas, formal assessments check students’ retention of knowledge over time, and their ability to apply that knowledge in extended answers.

As members of PSHE Association, we closely monitor our PSHE provision to ensure that all statutory elements are delivered.  PSHE lessons are an integral part of our personal development provision.

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