Moving to Kenton School


We can't wait to welcome our new students joining us in September 2024!

Joining Kenton School

We very much look forward to welcoming our new Year 7s in September and we welcome new families to Kenton.

We offer a transition week before term starts so that Year 7s can meet each other and really get to know their way around the school. We find that our Year 7s start life at Kenton with good orientation of the school and with a group of friends already formed, which makes for a much easier transition into school life.

Key dates 2024

Thursday 20 June 2024: Prospective Parents Evening

Monday 8 – Friday 12 July 2024: Induction Week
Year 6 pupils are invited to spend one week experiencing lessons first hand during our extensive induction programme. Extending the programme in such a way will enable all pupils to get to know the school layout and familiarise themselves with our expectations.

Further information will be sent to all prospective pupils and their families in due course.

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